Friday, October 28, 2005

OnDeck: Suicide

Oni PosessionI said in an earlier post that mono-colored decks may not survive, but then i saw Oni Possesion and Golgari Thug. I have been searching for a decent suicide build, but getting strong acceleration solid beats is usually a huge problem. Along with confidant, you should be able to outrun just about anything. Toss in rats, hand and imp and out comes my idea:

Oni Black

4 oni possesion
4 raving oni slave
4 dark confidant
4 nezumi cutthroat
4 foul imp
4 zombify
3 hand of cruelty
3 wicked akuba
3 golgari thug
3 unholy strength
3 umezawa's jitte

1 tomb of urami
2 hall of the bandit lord
4 quicksand
10 swamp

Unholy StrengthThe deck basically uses confidant to puke out creature after creature. possession makes you sac to keep things going, so i use creatures with lose-life sac effects, and golgari thug, the deck's all-star, negates the possession's downside by replacing itself and dredging.

As for match-ups, standard suicide rules apply. Outrun everything.

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